A Schesir recipe based on real chicken fillets , combined with a delicious pumpkin topping , and prepared in their cooking water . An appetizing meal for cats who love...
Schesir Tuna With Beef Multipack 6pcs A Schesir recipe based on real tuna fillets, paired with beef, for an appetizing flavour combination. Ingredients are prepared in a jelly to satisfy...
Schesir Cat Multipack Can Tuna With Papaya-6pcs A Schesir recipe based on real tuna fillets , combined with real papaya pieces , for an exotic and original meal . The...
A Schesir recipe based on real fillets of delicious tuna , combined with sea bass. The ingredients are prepared in jelly , to satisfy the taste of cats who prefer...
A Schesir recipe based on real fillets of delicious tuna , paired with sea bream, a fish known for its lean and tasty meats. The ingredients are prepared in jelly...
A Schesir recipe which combines succulent tuna fillets with the delicate flavour of papaya. The dish is cooked in soup, for cats who love Schesir wet food, especially its liquid...
Top-quality and practical multipack. All the high Schesir quality, with 100% natural ingredients, no preservatives or colorings and only the very best parts of meat of the same quality as...
All the high Schesir quality, with 100% natural ingredients, no preservatives or colourings and only the very best parts of meat of the same quality as those used for human...
All the high Schesir quality, with 100% natural ingredients, no preservatives or colourings and only the very best parts of meat of the same quality as those used for human...
All the high Schesir quality, with 100% natural ingredients, no preservatives or colourings and only the very best parts of meat of the same quality as those used for human...
Top-quality and practical multipack. All the high Schesir quality, with 100% natural ingredients, no preservatives or colorings and only the very best parts of meat of the same quality as...
Functional topper for cats with delicate digestion pumpkin with added wheat grass in a pleasant blended consistency grain free A supplementary functional topper, in a simple recipe and with a...