مقود دوكو داي أدفينشر قابل للسحب، كبير، 5 متر، أحمر

71.25 AED

DOCO® ALL DAY ADVENTURE RETRACTABLE LEASH features security and superior control of your dog while walking.Designed with reflective tape all the way through on both side for night time safety. Stainless steel intercourse offer fast and reliable response.Durable black polished click & lock snap for extra safety.Easy and securely attaches to any collar or harness for ultimate walking experience for you and your dog.KEY FEATURES* Retractable leash with stop-and-lock control* Reflective stitching cord on both side for night time safety* Click & Lock Snap for extra safety, once locked, dog cannot run away* Ergonomically designed, sturdy and super soft anti-slip handle for conformtable strong grip* High strength stainless spring hardware for retraction system* Superior lock and retraction system* Durable and strong ABS plastic casing with vibrant color

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تقدير الشحن

أضف كوبون خصم

سيعمل ركوبون الخصم عند اتمام الطلب

مقود دوكو داي أدفينشر قابل للسحب، كبير، 5 متر، أحمر

71.25 AED